- What services does a pool company provide?
- What are the typical business hours for a pool company?
- Can my company be a home-based business?
- Where are the wholesalers located?
- Is there a long learning curve in the industry?
- Do I need employees to service pools?
- How long before I make a profit?
- Is the Pool Service and Repair Industry recession-proof?
- What is the difference between commercial and residential customers?
- What licenses or certifications do I need to service pools?
- What type of insurance do I need to operate a pool service company?
- Who provides training when a route is purchased?
- Do I need the experience to purchase pool accounts?
- Can I start from scratch?
- Can I borrow the money to purchase a route?
- Why do individuals sell if the business is so profitable?
- What does a route or account cost?
- Are there terms when purchasing accounts?
- What are the start-up costs for a new pool service company?
- Why National Pool Route Sales? How does NPRS help in the transaction?
- Are trucks and equipment included in the purchase price?
- Would I be buying a route or a business?
- What is the best time of year to purchase?
- What is the best size route to purchase?
- How do I get started?
- How do I perform my due diligence?
- Who provides the necessary transfer documents?
- Once I purchase a route, can I build a larger company?
- How would I market for new customers?
- What states are serviced by National Pool Route Sales?
- How am I protected if I purchase a route?
- Is the pool route and service industry for you?