
Seller's Comments: Free 2008 Ford F-150 double cab truck included. Very compact & Easy 3 day route currently being serviced by the owner. Clients are very accommodating and appreciative of our services. Highly desired area to work and operate a pool business. Free tools & supplies on hand as well. Nice, established route in the Healdsburg, Geyserville area. Seller charges extra for filter cleans. Approximately: 99% have auto cleaners. Excellent area and room for growth. Seller will train and guarantee transfer of accounts.

Status: Sold

Number of Pools: 80

Number of Residential: 80

Number of Commercial: 0

Monthly Service Amount: $11,800.00

Yearly Net From Service/Repairs: $158,000.00

Average Age of Accounts: 8 years

Payment History: Good

Location of Accounts (cities): Healdsburg, Gayserville

Purchase Price: $153,400.00

Training Period: 30 days

Guarantee Period: 90 days

Covenant Not to Compete Period: 5 years