Seller's Comments: Perfect starter route. All of the pools are fairly recently built and stay clean throughout the week. Only a few pools generally require weekly vacuuming. This is a tight little route and all of the stops are in close proximity to each other. Homeowners are rarely seen and they all pay on time. Free chemicals and parts on hand included. Nice, established route in the Carmel Valley area. Seller charges extra for filter cleans. Approximately: 46% have auto cleaners; 69% have salt systems. Excellent area and room for growth. Seller will train and guarantee transfer of accounts.
Status: Sold
Number of Pools: 13
Number of Residential: 13
Number of Commercial: 0
Monthly Service Amount: $1,700.00
Yearly Net From Service/Repairs: $24,000.00
Average Age of Accounts: 1 year
Payment History: Good
Location of Accounts (cities): Carmel Valley
Purchase Price: $11,900.00
Training Period: 30 days
Guarantee Period: 90 days
Covenant Not to Compete Period: 5 years