Seller's Comments: Perfect centralized location for someone looking to expand in the prospective areas. Above average monthly service rates. The pool route was built so clients will be easy to transfer over to a new service technician. We charge extra for filter cleans and salt cell cleans therefore this is an opportunity for extra income. Excellent area and room for growth. Seller is ready to assist a new owner. Long time clients that are always timely in their monthly payment. Clients have always been open to repair and installations and approve when needed. Nice, established route in the Clairemont, Tierrasanta, Normal Heights, Sierra Mesa area. The Seller charges extra for filter cleans; salt cell cleans and conditioner. Approximately: 95% have auto cleaners; 10% have salt systems. Excellent area and room for growth. Seller will train and guarantee transfer of accounts.
Status: Sold
Number of Pools: 19
Number of Residential: 19
Number of Commercial: 0
Monthly Service Amount: $2,500.00
Yearly Net From Service/Repairs: $35,000.00
Average Age of Accounts: 5 years
Payment History: Good
Location of Accounts (cities): Clairemont, Tierrasanta, Normal Heights, Sierra Mesa
Purchase Price: $30,000.00
Training Period: 30 days
Guarantee Period: 90 days
Covenant Not to Compete Period: 5 years