
Seller's Comments: SUPER HIGH PROFIT ROUTE DUE TO ALL ACCOUNTS BEING BI-WEEKLY AND HAVING AUTO CHLORINATORS IN THEM. HALF THE LABOR REQUIRED WITH FULL SERVICE PROFIT. HIGH EXTRA PROFIT ON SALE OF AUTO CHLORINATORS ON ALL NEW ACCOUNTS. A GEM OF A FIND FOR A LUCKY BUYER WITH THE BEST HIGH PROFIT BLUEPRINT IN THE INDUSTRY. Nice, established route in the Morgan Hill, Gilroy area. Approximately: 95% have auto cleaners; 5% have salt systems. Excellent area and room for growth. Seller will train and guarantee transfer of accounts.

Status: Sold

Number of Pools: 55

Number of Residential: 53

Number of Commercial: 2

Monthly Service Amount: $8,300.00

Yearly Net From Service/Repairs: $113,000.00

Average Age of Accounts: 5 years

Payment History: Good

Location of Accounts (cities): Morgan Hill, Gilroy

Purchase Price: $116,200.00

Training Period: 30 days

Guarantee Period: 90 days

Covenant Not to Compete Period: 5 years