Seller's Comments: Long term and well running Palm Beach opportunity! Stable, well-paying clients, some having been with the company and the same pool tech for over 15 years. All accounts are currently well serviced by experienced technicians. Additional service offerings and add-ons already in place. All the pieces in place and only needs you at the helm! Nice, established route in the Palm Beach Gardens, Jupiter, West Palm Beach area. Seller charges extra for conditioner. Excellent area and room for growth. Seller will train and guarantee transfer of accounts.
Status: Sold
Number of Pools: 166
Number of Residential: 149
Number of Commercial: 17
Monthly Service Amount: $36,500.00
Yearly Net From Service/Repairs: $170,110.00
Average Age of Accounts: 30 years
Payment History: Good
Location of Accounts (cities): Palm Beach Gardens, Jupiter, West Palm Beach
Purchase Price: $438,000.00
Training Period: 30 days
Guarantee Period: 90 days
Covenant Not to Compete Period: 5 years