
Seller's Comments: Just what you need in Lee County. Smartly grouped and almost entirely in Cape Coral, these pools are all well maintained with easy going clients who appreciate good service and have no problem with preventive maintenance on their equipment and repairs and upgrades. These accounts have been personally maintained by the owner. Nice, established route in the Cape Coral area. Approximately: 99% are screened in. Excellent area and room for growth. Seller will train and guarantee transfer of accounts.

Status: For Sale

Number of Pools: 60

Number of Residential: 60

Number of Commercial: 0

Monthly Service Amount: $6,200.00

Yearly Net From Service/Repairs: $86,000.00

Average Age of Accounts: 3 years

Payment History: Good

Location of Accounts (cities): Cape Coral

Purchase Price: $74,400.00

Training Period: 30 days

Guarantee Period: 90 days

Covenant Not to Compete Period: 5 years