
Seller's Comments: ***SBA QUALIFIED*** for approximately $300,000ONCE IN A LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY. INCLUDES WORLD CLASS FRANCHISE FOR THREE LARGE EAST TEXAS COUNTIES. TURNKEY WITH ALL STAFF AND MARKETING SYSTEMS IN PLACE. ROOM TO INCREASE PROFITS WITH MORE OWNER INVOLVEMENT. Nice, established route in the Longview, Marshall, Tyler area. Seller charges extra for filter cleans. Approximately: 70% have auto cleaners; 30% have salt systems. Excellent area and room for growth. Seller will train and guarantee transfer of accounts.

Status: Sold

Number of Pools: 230

Number of Residential: 218

Number of Commercial: 12

Monthly Service Amount: $49,000.00

Yearly Net From Service/Repairs: $180,000.00

Average Age of Accounts: 3 years

Payment History: Good

Location of Accounts (cities): Longview, Marshall, Tyler (Harrison, Gregg & Smith Counties)

Purchase Price: $588,000.00 ***SBA QUALIFIED***

Training Period: 30 days

Guarantee Period: 90 days

Covenant Not to Compete Period: 5 years