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Pool Route: Questions all Buyers Always Want Answered

As specialized pool route business brokers, we work each day matching ideal buyers with quality pool service routes. After about 40 years in the business, we have come across some questions that almost everyone is dying to get answered.

Here are the top 5 questions everyone is asking:


Q1. How does this business make so much money?

A1. With the purchase of an operating pool route, initial marketing and overhead are non-existent. You buy into a money making list of accounts that has a clean and accurate payment history. There is no ceiling, you can add as many accounts to your route as you are willing to oversee.


Q2. How many accounts can one person service in a day?

A2. The number of accounts serviced in one day continues to rise due to new technology development in our industry. The current number is 20 per day, depending on your service area.  


Q3. How do I get started?

A3. Visit the routes available on our website, then contact our office for more information. The process is as follows: find a route of interest, sign a confidentiality agreement, provide proof of funds or discuss financing options, speak with the Seller via telephone, meet with the Seller to go over account records. At that point, if you decide to purchase, our escrow department will prepare the necessary transfer documents for your approval. The process will then follow your escrow instructions.


Q4. What financing options are available to me?

A4. You may seek financing options on your own, use SBA loans or inquire with one of our recommended lenders. 


Q5. How are pool routes priced?

A5. National Pool Route Sales uses standard market pricing, based on the monthly service amount of a given route. Factoring may be higher or lower, depending on a particular area. The more people in an area means a higher demand and a higher priced route. Example: Orange County, California may be priced higher than Walker, Texas.


Still need some answers? Call our offices at 877-766-5757 or subscribe to our monthly magazine to receive the complete article. Our latest issue of Poolside Magazine is rolling out Monday, August 1st! Fill out your information on the upper left-hand side to get a free copy,